Jack Lee
李暎石 中医师/ACC注册针灸师
Jack Lee – Acupuncturist
Bachelor and Masters in Chinese Clinical Medicine and Acupuncture
TCM and NZRA certified Acupuncturist (ACC)
Special interests: Meridian examinations and acupuncture/medicinal treatment to Insomnia, obesity, facial paralysis, musculoskeletal and Gynaecological disorders.
Jack is a licensed TCM and NZRA certified Acupuncturist with 5 years of clinical experience in China and Korea. He graduated Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with both Bachelor and Masters in Medicine, which also involved in particular with Meridian treatment for pain relief.
After he graduated, Jack's career started at Acupuncture & Moxibustion Department in Beijing XiYuan Hospital, treating patients who have issues with obesity, facial paralysis, musculoskeletal and Gynaecological diseases. His medical careers subsequently lead him into Oriental Medicine department of Medical Detachment while serving for the Military service in Korea. After the 2 years of Military service, he continued to work for patients involved in illness such as insomnia, musculoskeletal disorders, stroke and gynaecological diseases.
Currently working as Acupuncturist at Yan's Medicine Clinic, Jack's focus is on pain and stress relief.
이영석 중의사/침구사(ACC)
북경중의대 중의임상학과/침구학 석사
전) 중국 북경 서원 종합병원 중국 중의사 자격증 취득
전) 중국 북경 호국사 종합병원 침구과 세계 중의사 협회 자격증 취득
전) 대한민국 육군 한방과 세계 침구사 협회 자격증 취득
현) Yan’s Chinese Medicine Clinic 뉴질랜드 NZRA협회 자격증 취득
중국전통의학 최고 의학서인 <<황제내경>>의 경락검사를 기초로 하여, 환자분의 경락 및 체질을 정확히 진단하고, 현대 중의학이 적용된 치료로 근골격계질환 및 내분비질환을 순수한약과 침술로 몸의 균형을 잡아주는 최선의 치료를 할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.